间粒状的 intergranular?交生 intergrowth
交生 intergrowth?
内陆盆地 interior basin?
地球内部 interior of the earth?
夹层 interlayer?
叶片间的 interlobate
叶片间的 interlobate?
中间基原油 intermediate base crude oil
中间基原油 intermediate base crude oil?
中间耦合 intermediate coupling
中间耦合 intermediate coupling?
中间类型 intermediate form
中间类型 intermediate form?
中间地块 intermediate hinterland
中间地块 intermediate hinterland?
中间地块 intermediate massif?
中性岩 intermediate rock
中性岩 intermediate rock?
中间种 intermediate species
中间种 intermediate species?
金属互化物 intermetallic compound
金属互化物 intermetallic compound?
断续电流 intermittent current
断续电流 intermittent current?
断续式地槽 intermittent geosyncline
断续式地槽 intermittent geosyncline?
间歇泉 intermittent spring?
间歇河 intermittent stream?
交调相互灯 intermodulation
交调相互灯 intermodulation?
分子力 intermolecular force
分子力 intermolecular force?
分子间势 intermolecular potential
分子间势 intermolecular potential?
山间盆地 intermount basin
山间盆地 intermount basin?
内部交换 internal conversion
内部交换 internal conversion?
内部排水 internal drainage
内部排水 internal drainage?
内能 internal energy?