浮选尾矿 flotation tailings浮选尾矿 flotation tailings?
浮选 flotation?
流量;涨潮 flow
咙理 flow cleavage
咙理 flow cleavage?
量历时曲线 flow duration curve
量历时曲线 flow duration curve?
赁皱 flow fold
赁皱 flow fold?
吝 flow line
吝 flow line?
量累积曲线 flow mass curve
量累积曲线 flow mass curve?
地下水流 flow of ground water
地下水流 flow of ground water?
临 flow rate
临 flow rate?
连 flow regime
连 flow regime?
怜结构 flow structure
怜结构 flow structure?
怜试验 flow test
怜试验 flow test?
运动冰碛 flow till
运动冰碛 flow till?
流量;涨潮 flow?
怜 flowage
怜 flowage?
显花植物 flowering plants
显花植物 flowering plants?
硫华 flowers of sulfur
硫华 flowers of sulfur?
自喷井 flowing artesian well
自喷井 flowing artesian well?
动水压力 flowing pressure
动水压力 flowing pressure?
廉 flowing water
廉 flowing water?
量计 flowmeter
量计 flowmeter?
撂图 flowsheet