压扁酌 flattening压扁面 flattening plane
压扁面 flattening plane?
压扁酌 flattening?
横推断层 flaw
横推断层 flaw?
软管 flexible hose
软管 flexible hose?
柔性接头 flexible joint
柔性接头 flexible joint?
弯曲褶皱 flexural fold?
单斜绕褶 flexure
挠曲断层 flexure fault
挠曲断层 flexure fault?
弯曲悬崖 flexure scarp
弯曲悬崖 flexure scarp?
单斜绕褶 flexure?
褐水砷锰矿 flinkite
褐水砷锰矿 flinkite?
燧石 flint?
转石 float
浮标 float gage?
转石 float?
钻探浮船 floating drilling barge
钻探浮船 floating drilling barge?
浮动式钻探装置 floating drilling rig
浮动式钻探装置 floating drilling rig?
浮岛 floating island
浮岛 floating island?
浮式蒸发仪 floating pan
浮式蒸发仪 floating pan?
絮凝 flocculation
絮凝 flocculation?
漂冰 floe ice
漂冰 floe ice?
冰山 floeberg
冰山 floeberg?
帘片状岩 floitite
帘片状岩 floitite?
潮汐 flood and ebb
潮汐 flood and ebb?
浸水地 flood area