外膜 exosporium?放热化合物 exothermic compound
放热化合物 exothermic compound?
外来植物 exotic plant?
膨胀系数 expansion coefficient?
膨胀裂缝 expansion fissure?
膨胀褶皱 expansion fold
膨胀褶皱 expansion fold?
膨胀节理 expansion joint
膨胀节理 expansion joint?
气体膨胀 expansion of gases
气体膨胀 expansion of gases?
液体膨胀 expansion of liquids
液体膨胀 expansion of liquids?
固体膨胀 expansion of solids
固体膨胀 expansion of solids?
膨胀说 expansion theory
膨胀说 expansion theory?
膨胀冲断层 expansion thrust
膨胀冲断层 expansion thrust?
膨胀 expansion?
期望值 expectation
期望值 expectation?
期望值 expected value?
光弹性实验 experiment by photoelastic method
光弹性实验 experiment by photoelastic method?
实验地貌学 experimental geomorphology
实验地貌学 experimental geomorphology?
开发 exploitation?
勘探 exploration
勘探钻井 exploration drilling
勘探钻井 exploration drilling?
勘探工程 exploration engineering
勘探工程 exploration engineering?
地下水勘察 exploration of the groundwater
地下水勘察 exploration of the groundwater?
勘探 exploration?
钻探 exploratory boring?
勘探钻井 exploratory drilling?
探井 exploratory shaft?
探槽 exploratory trench?
探井 exploratory well?