生存条件 conditions of existence?传导率 conductivity
结晶的传导性 conductivity of crystals
结晶的传导性 conductivity of crystals?
传导率 conductivity?
套管 conductor pipe?
火山口 conduit
火山口 conduit?
球果 cone
圆锥破碎机 cone crusher
圆锥破碎机 cone crusher?
圆锥形裂缝 cone fracture
圆锥形裂缝 cone fracture?
叠锥构造 cone in cone structure
叠锥构造 cone in cone structure?
叠锥火山 cone in cone volcano
叠锥火山 cone in cone volcano?
沉陷锥 cone of depression
沉陷锥 cone of depression?
影响锥 cone of influence
影响锥 cone of influence?
锥层岩席 cone sheet
锥层岩席 cone sheet?
球果 cone?
配位能 configurational energy
配位能 configurational energy?
圈闭式地热储 confined type geothermal reservoir
圈闭式地热储 confined type geothermal reservoir?
承压水 confined water
承压水 confined water?
封闭压力 confining pressure
封闭压力 confining pressure?
不透水层 confining stratum?
汇零 confluence
汇零 confluence?
整合的 conformable
整合接触 conformable contact
整合接触 conformable contact?
整合的 conformable?
整合 conformity?
凝结熔岩壳 congealed lava crust
凝结熔岩壳 congealed lava crust?