鞣酸核蛋白 tannin nucleoprotein
鞣质囊 tannin sac
丹宁焦油 tannin tar
含鞣质树胶 tannin tearing gum
坚膜液 tanning bath
制革工业 tanning industry
鞣皮液 tanning liquors
类鞣质,鞣甙 tanninoids
鞣酸酪蛋白 tanno casein
嗜鞣原体 tanophil protid
腺嘌呤核苷酸总库 TANP total adenine nucleotide pool
唐 Tanret Mayer test
鞣质囊 tannin sac
丹宁焦油 tannin tar
含鞣质树胶 tannin tearing gum
坚膜液 tanning bath
制革工业 tanning industry
鞣皮液 tanning liquors
类鞣质,鞣甙 tanninoids
鞣酸酪蛋白 tanno casein
嗜鞣原体 tanophil protid
腺嘌呤核苷酸总库 TANP total adenine nucleotide pool
唐 Tanret Mayer test
唐累(氏)反应:检白蛋白 Tanret s reaction
唐累(氏)试剂:碘化汞钾试剂 Tanret s reagent
唐累(氏)试验:检白蛋白 Tanret s test
本土陆军护士勤务队 TANS Territorial Army Nursing Service
汤西尼(氏)手术:乳房及其皮肤的切除术,肝囊肿的切除法 Tansini s operation
汤西尼(氏)征:胃幽门部癌症时,腹部萎缩,但如转移至肠内,则腹部呈隆起 Tansini s sign
汤 Tansley Hunt operation
艾菊油 tansy oil
葶苈子 tansymustard seed
钽夹 tantalum clip
钽夹钳 tantalum clips applying forceps
钽灯丝 tantalum filament
钽网 tantalum gauze
钽合金止血夹 tantalum hemostatic clip
预制钽颅骨板三羧酸 tantalum preformed skull plate
钽整流器 tantalum rectifier
钽片 tantalum sheet
钽颅骨板螺钉 tantalum skull plate screw
长胚带 tanyblastic germ band
婴儿脚气病 taon
颞动脉闭塞试验 TAOT temporal artery occlusion test
拍打按摩器 tap and stroke massage apparatus
龙头瓶 tap bottle
网状骨质螺钉用丝攻晚期癌症 tap for cancellous screw
骨质螺钉用丝攻 tap for cortex bone screw
直根系 tap root system
热激活极化 TAP thermally activated polarization
甲砜霉素 TAP thiamphenicol
磁带 卡片转换器 tap to card converter
总酸性磷酸酶 TAP total acid phosphatase