OPT hydroxy-camptothecine
处女膜切开 hymenectomy
高雌素血症 hyperestrogenemia
超分割放射治疗 hyperfractionation
运动机能亢进性学困难 hyperkinesis learning disability
高泌乳素血症 hyperprolactinemia
妊娠高血压疾患 hypertensive disorders of pregancy
高张性宫缩 hypertonic contraction
下丘脑性闭经 hypothalamic amenorrhea
低张性宫缩 hypotonic contraction
HSR hypotonic shock response
宫腔镜检查 hysteroscopy
处女膜切开 hymenectomy
高雌素血症 hyperestrogenemia
超分割放射治疗 hyperfractionation
运动机能亢进性学困难 hyperkinesis learning disability
高泌乳素血症 hyperprolactinemia
妊娠高血压疾患 hypertensive disorders of pregancy
高张性宫缩 hypertonic contraction
下丘脑性闭经 hypothalamic amenorrhea
低张性宫缩 hypotonic contraction
HSR hypotonic shock response
宫腔镜检查 hysteroscopy
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