煤焦油沥青 coal tar pitch
煤化酌 coalification
粗制的 coarse
粗碎 coarse crushing
粗颗粒的 coarse grained
粗牙螺纹 coarse thread
涂层织物 coated fabric
涂料 coating material
钴 cobalt
钴华 cobalt bloom
钴蓝 cobalt blue
碳化钴 cobalt carbide
煤化酌 coalification
粗制的 coarse
粗碎 coarse crushing
粗颗粒的 coarse grained
粗牙螺纹 coarse thread
涂层织物 coated fabric
涂料 coating material
钴 cobalt
钴华 cobalt bloom
钴蓝 cobalt blue
碳化钴 cobalt carbide
氯化钴 cobalt chloride
钴化合物 cobalt compound
钴玻璃 cobalt glass
钴绿 cobalt green
氢氧化钴 cobalt hydroxide
氯化高钴 cobaltic chloride
辉钴矿 cobaltite
氯化亚钴 cobaltous chloride
可卡因 cocaine
辅羧酶 cocarboxylase
助催化剂 cocatalyst
胭脂虫红 cochineal
胭脂红溶液 cochineal solution
栓 cock
椰子油 coconut oil
鱼肝油 cod liver oil
代码 code number
可待因 codeine
共二聚体 codimer
码字 codon
系数 coefficient
体积膨胀系数 coefficient of cubic expansion
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion
质量传递系数 coefficient of mass transfer
导热系数 coefficient of thermal conductivity
变异系数: coefficient of variation
粘度系数 coefficient of viscosity
辅酶 coenzyme
咖啡因 coffeine