松鼠笼战术 Squirrel Cage Tactic
失速告警 stall warning
距外攻击 stand-off attack
启动小组 start-up team
隐形战机 stealth fighter
隐身战斗机/轰炸机 Stealth fighter/bomber =
反战联盟 Stop the War Coalition
直捣 storm
战略武器裁减谈判 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START)
巷战 street battle/ fight/Street-by-street fighting/street-to-street fighting
地下指挥中心 subterranean command centre
自杀式袭击 suicide attack
失速告警 stall warning
距外攻击 stand-off attack
启动小组 start-up team
隐形战机 stealth fighter
隐身战斗机/轰炸机 Stealth fighter/bomber =
反战联盟 Stop the War Coalition
直捣 storm
战略武器裁减谈判 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START)
巷战 street battle/ fight/Street-by-street fighting/street-to-street fighting
地下指挥中心 subterranean command centre
自杀式袭击 suicide attack
自杀式炸弹袭击 suicide bomb attack/suicide bombing
发动自杀式炸弹袭击的人 suicide bomber
逊尼派 Sunni
超级眼镜蛇攻击型直升机 Super Cobra attack helicopters
超音波喷射机 supersonic jets
补给线 supply line
补给舰 supply ship
支援服务包 support package
超领域组合 Supra-Domain Combinations
超国家组合 Supra-National Combinations
地对空飞弹 surface-to-air missile (SAM)
地对空导弹 surface-to-air missiles (SAMS)
地对地导弹 surface-to-surface missiles
外科手术式袭击 surgical strikes/
监视 surveillance
密袭式战术 swarm tactics
符号发生器 symbol generator
L2 Frequency GP S信号频率之一(1227.6 MHz)
L1 Frequency GP S信号频率之一(1575.42 MHz)
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