锑青铜 antimony bronze
硫化锑 antimony sulfide
锑白 antimony white
反氧化剂 antioxidant?
反相畴 antiphase domain
反相畴界 antiphase domain boundary
冒口保温剂 antipiping compound
氩氧脱碳 aod
氩氧脱碳法 aod process
表观弹性系数 apparent modulus of elasticity?
颗粒表观密度 apparent particle density
表观体积 apparent volume
硫化锑 antimony sulfide
锑白 antimony white
反氧化剂 antioxidant?
反相畴 antiphase domain
反相畴界 antiphase domain boundary
冒口保温剂 antipiping compound
氩氧脱碳 aod
氩氧脱碳法 aod process
表观弹性系数 apparent modulus of elasticity?
颗粒表观密度 apparent particle density
表观体积 apparent volume
拉模变形锥 approach angle
输入辊道 approach table
板式运输机 apron conveyor?
裙板加料机 apron feeder
胶体石墨润滑剂 aquadag
水溶液电解 aqueous electrolysis
水溶液浸出 aqueous leach
师状粉 arborescent powder
枝晶组织 arborescent structure
电弧空气气削 arc air gouging
电弧磁偏吹 arc blow
熄弧 arc blowout
电弧压降 arc drop
电弧炉电极 arc furnace electrode
电弧加热 arc heating
反射电弧炉 arc image furnace
电弧喷镀 arc spraying
电弧稳定装置 arc stabilizer
电弧焊用交立电机 arc welding alternator
电弧焊接机 arc welding machine
电弧焊机组 arc welding set
拱砖 arch brick
阿考斯二氧化碳保护弧焊法 arcos arc process
银汞 argental mercury
锌白铜 argentan
含银铅 argentiferous lead
氩气保护电弧 argon arc
桶吹氩 argon blowing in ladle
氩清洗处理 argon rinsing treatment
吹氩搅拌 argon stirring