坚持地 tenaciously
固执 tenaciousness
注意凝聚 tenacity
租赁 tenancy
任意租赁 tenancy at will
整体租赁 tenancy by the entirety
共同租赁 tenancy in common
租户 tenant
照管 tendance
求同趋势 tendency to identify
意向统觉 tendentious apperception
柔情 tender feeling
固执 tenaciousness
注意凝聚 tenacity
租赁 tenancy
任意租赁 tenancy at will
整体租赁 tenancy by the entirety
共同租赁 tenancy in common
租户 tenant
照管 tendance
求同趋势 tendency to identify
意向统觉 tendentious apperception
柔情 tender feeling
富于幻想的 tenderminded
和善型 tenderminded
柔性 tendermindedness
腱反射 tendon reflex
腱觉 tendon sensation
腱梭 tendon spindle
晦涩的 tenebrous
田纳西自我概念量表 Tennessee Self Concept Scale
紧张性头痛 tension headache
紧张情绪控制 tension management
紧张减轻 tension reduction
紧张体系 tension system
紧张期 tension time
紧张松驰 tensionrelease
紧张的 tensive
触毛 tentacle
暂时结论 tentative conclusion
暂时数字 tentative figure
试验性计划 tentative plan
试验性理论 tentative theory
贫乏 tenuity
脑灰质测量计 tephrylometer
畸形形成 teratogenesis
畸形性的 teratogenous
言词自相矛盾 tergiversate
满期产儿 term infant
学期报告 term paper
推孟梅里尔测验 TermanMerrill Test
特曼二氏态度及兴趣表 TermanMiles AttitudeInterest Blank
极限的 terminal