再生抑制 reproductive inhibition
再生抑制说 reproductive inhibition theory
再生智力 reproductive intellect
再造性记忆 reproductive memory
再生问题解决 reproductive problem solving
繁衍战略 reproductive strategy
再造性思维 reproductive thinking
拒绝的 repulsive
声誉好的 reputable
应具行为 required behavior
需要的 requisite
报答 requital
再生抑制说 reproductive inhibition theory
再生智力 reproductive intellect
再造性记忆 reproductive memory
再生问题解决 reproductive problem solving
繁衍战略 reproductive strategy
再造性思维 reproductive thinking
拒绝的 repulsive
声誉好的 reputable
应具行为 required behavior
需要的 requisite
报答 requital
再读法 rereading procedure
生物心理学与精神病学研究通讯 Research Communications in Biological Psychology and Psychiatry
研究设计 research design
研究假设 research hypothesis
研究方法 research method
研究方法论 research methodology
双语研究 research of bilingualism
消费行为研究 research of consumers behavior
研究者 researcher
愤慨 resentment
住院护理机构 residential care institution
残余相关矩阵 residual correlation matrix
余差效应 residual effect
残留型癫痫 residual epilepsy
残余型精神分裂症 residual schizophrenia
残语 residual speech
剩余标准差 剩标准差 residual standard deviation
留遗型 residual type
残听 residue of hearing
残留音调 residue pitch
退避 resignation
抗拒 resistance
控制器阻抗 resistance in controls
抗拒阶段 resistance stage
变革阻力 resistance to change
抗拒有害意见 resistance to damaging message
抗拒消弱 resistance to extinction
抗拒压力 resistance to stress
再社会化 resocialization
分辨度 resolution