后悔 regret
有规律的 regular
规则性散光 regular astigmatism
正规语言 regular language
规律性 regularity
心理转化规律 regularity of mental transformation
调节肌 regulating muscle
摄食调节 regulation of food intake
新陈代谢调节新陈代谢调节 regulation of metabolism
饮水调节 regulation of water intake
调节发育 regulative development
规范原则 regulative principle
有规律的 regular
规则性散光 regular astigmatism
正规语言 regular language
规律性 regularity
心理转化规律 regularity of mental transformation
调节肌 regulating muscle
摄食调节 regulation of food intake
新陈代谢调节新陈代谢调节 regulation of metabolism
饮水调节 regulation of water intake
调节发育 regulative development
规范原则 regulative principle
理性的调节作用 regulative use of reason
调节因子 regulatory factor
调节基因 regulatory gene
调节性抑制 regulatory inhibition
调节机制 regulatory mechanism
康复中心 rehabilitation center
康复咨询 rehabilitation counseling
康复医学 rehabilitation medicine
回归心理学 归心理学 rehabilitational psychology
复述法 rehearsal method
复述定势 rehearsal set
肌电波描记法 reheotachygraphy
瑞德运动错觉 瑞德运动错觉 Reid movement illusion
观念与现象混淆 reification
脑岛 Reils insula
强化对比 reinforcement contrast
条件反射的强化 reinforcement of conditional reflex
反射强化 reinforcement of reflex
强化程序 reinforcement schedule
强化理论 reinforcement theory
激励的强化理论 reinforcement theory of motivation
强化值 reinforcement value
强化感情论增强感情论 reinforcementaffect theory
强化物 reinforcer
强化刺激 reinforcing stimulus
返老还童说 reinteation theory
重整作用 reintegration
拒供 rejecting confession
拒忽型父母 拒忽型父母 rejectingneglecting parent
拒绝幅度 rejection latitude