主分流器 master shunter
精熟 mastery
主宰基因 mastery gene
争胜本能 mastery instinct
精熟学习 mastery learning
求精动机 mastery motive
字形掌握 mastery of character form
知识掌握 mastery of knowledge
字义掌握 mastery of word meaning
字音掌握 mastery of word pronunciation
掌握游戏 mastery play
精熟测验 mastery test
精熟 mastery
主宰基因 mastery gene
争胜本能 mastery instinct
精熟学习 mastery learning
求精动机 mastery motive
字形掌握 mastery of character form
知识掌握 mastery of knowledge
字义掌握 mastery of word meaning
字音掌握 mastery of word pronunciation
掌握游戏 mastery play
精熟测验 mastery test
咀嚼作用 mastication
手淫 masturbation
手淫者 masturbator
配对组设计 matched group design
对等组法 matched groups procedure
配对设计 matched pair design
配对法 matched pair technique
配对随机作业 matched random assignment
对等样本 matched sample
配对取样 matched sampling
一致依存行为 matcheddependent behavior
匹配熟悉图测验 Matching Familiar Figures Test
匹配式测验 matching form test
相配假说 matching hypothesis
匹配律 matching law
对等法 matching method
对等反应 matching response
对照测验 matching test
取样匹配 matching to sample
取样匹配法取样匹配法 matchingtosample method
无配偶 mateless
身体的 material
记忆实验材料 material for memory experiment
实物 material object
唯物论 materialism
唯物论的 materialistic
唯物辩证法 materialistic dialectics
物质化 materialization
母性的 maternal
母体适应 maternal adaptation