相属律 law of belongingness
心理生物发生律 law of biogenetic mental
闭合法则 law of closure
并存律 law of coexistence
认识规律 law of cognition
附着律 law of cohesion
颜色混合律 law of color mixture
颜色偏爱法则 law of color preference
比较判断法则 law of comparative judgment
补尝法则 law of compensation
补色律 law of complementary colors
条件律 law of conditioned
心理生物发生律 law of biogenetic mental
闭合法则 law of closure
并存律 law of coexistence
认识规律 law of cognition
附着律 law of cohesion
颜色混合律 law of color mixture
颜色偏爱法则 law of color preference
比较判断法则 law of comparative judgment
补尝法则 law of compensation
补色律 law of complementary colors
条件律 law of conditioned
条件关系律制约关律 law of conditioning relations
同时性法则 law of contemporaneity
时近律 law of contiguity
连续律 law of continuity
矛盾律 law of contradiction
逆反律 law of contraposition
对比律 law of contrast
颉顽神经支配定律 law of contrast innervation
神经去除定律 law of denervation
发展规律 law of development
发展方向规律 law of developmental direction
差异律 law of difference
效果递减法则 law of diminishing returns
不调和律 law of disharmony
位移律 law of displacement
失用律 law of disuse
显性定律 law of dominance
效果律 law of effect
均等律 law of equality
练习律 law of exercise
后裔归法则 law of filial regression
固着律 law of fixation
频次律 law of frequency
良好模式律 law of good pattern
良形法则 law of good shape
大数法则 law of great number
高级神经活动规律 law of higher nervous activity
同向法则 law of identical direction
同视向律 law of identical visual direction
同一律 law of identity