直觉期 intuitive phase
直观思维 intuitive thinking
直觉思想 intuitive thought
无能儿童 invalid child
病残 invalidism
缺效度 invalidity
不变色 invariant color
不变因素 invariant factor
不变关系 invariant relation
个人空间入侵 invasion of personal space
侵入力 invasiveness
抨击 invective
直观思维 intuitive thinking
直觉思想 intuitive thought
无能儿童 invalid child
病残 invalidism
缺效度 invalidity
不变色 invariant color
不变因素 invariant factor
不变关系 invariant relation
个人空间入侵 invasion of personal space
侵入力 invasiveness
抨击 invective
申斥 inveigh
人格量表 inventory of personality
s Development Task ? 青少年认知测验 Inventory of Piaget
调查测验 inventory test
逆因素分析 inverse factor analysis
逆概率 inverse probability
反比例 inverse proportion
逆抽样 inverse sampling
体温颠倒 inverse temperature
逆向转化 inversion
情感颠倒 inversion of affect
情感逆转 inversion of affective
倒视护目镜 invert goggles
转换型恋亲情结 inverted Oedipus complex
逆转施暴狂 inverted sadism
型假设 inverted U hypothesis 逆U
逆转眼镜 inverting lens
调查团 investigation group
调查法 investigation method
家庭收支调查 investigation of family budget
调查报告 investigation report
调查组 investigation team
侦查假设 investigative assumption
侦查实验 investigative experiment
侦查心理学 investigative psychology
侦查推理 investigative reasoning
调查员 investigator
教育投资 investment in education
投资重点 investment priority
投资者 investor