不足感 feeling of inadequacy
自卑感 feeling of inferiority
正义感 feeling of justice
突出个人感 feeling of personality importance
现实感 feeling of reality
再认感 feeling of recognition
安全感 feeling of safety
羞愧感 feeling of shame
成功感 feeling of success
同情感 feeling of sympathy
空虚感 feeling of unreality
感情型 feeling type
自卑感 feeling of inferiority
正义感 feeling of justice
突出个人感 feeling of personality importance
现实感 feeling of reality
再认感 feeling of recognition
安全感 feeling of safety
羞愧感 feeling of shame
成功感 feeling of success
同情感 feeling of sympathy
空虚感 feeling of unreality
感情型 feeling type
情感移入 feelinginto
足 feet
残暴的 fell
含阳 fellatio
伙伴关系 fellowship
情感上的冲突 felt conflict
需求感 feltneed
女性的 female
女性犯罪 female crime
女性同性恋 female homosexuality
女性心理学 female psychology
雌性图式 female schema
女性激素 female sex hormone
女性特征 femaleness
女性 feminacy
男子女性化 feminilism
女性化组织 feminine organization
女性气质 femininity
女性情结 femininity complex
女权 feminism
男性女性化 feminization
女性化综合症 feminizing syndrome
卵圆窗 fenestra ovalis
正圆窗 fenestra rotunda
苯甲锡林 fenethylline
苯甲吗啉酮 fenmetramide
胎儿酒精性综合症 feral alcohol syndrome
野孩 feral child
费勒现象 Fere phenomenon
费瑞波特定律 FerryPorter law