弹性限制法 elastic limit method
权力弹性 elasticity of power
得意 elation
肘高 elbow height
拒言性 elective mutism
恋父情结 Electra complex
压觉电测法 electric baresthesiometer
电击 electric shock
电击疗法 electric shock therapy
电休克治疗 electric shock treatment
肤电反应 electric skin response
电刺激 electric stimulation
权力弹性 elasticity of power
得意 elation
肘高 elbow height
拒言性 elective mutism
恋父情结 Electra complex
压觉电测法 electric baresthesiometer
电击 electric shock
电击疗法 electric shock therapy
电休克治疗 electric shock treatment
肤电反应 electric skin response
电刺激 electric stimulation
电活动 electrical activity
脑电刺激 electrical brain stimulation
电传递突触 electrically transmitting synapse
电触觉计 electroaesthesiometer
触觉电图 electroantennogram
心电描记器 electrocardiograph
心电学 electrocardiology
心音电图 electrocardiophonogram
心音电描记器 electrocardiophonograph
心电信号 electrocardiosignal
电化学神经模型 electrochemical nerve model
电化学过程 electrochemical process
耳蜗电描记术 electrocochleography
电惊厥的 electroconvulsive
电痉挛治疗法 electroconvulsive therapy
电动数据处理机 electrodata machine
电防御条件反射 electrodefensive conditional reflex
电反应诊断法 electrodiagnosis
脑波仪 electroencephalograph
脑电描记器 electroencephalography
电击样舞蹈症 electrolepsy
电解损伤 electrolytic lesion
电磁放射 electromagnetic radiation
电磁谱 electromagnetic spectrum
电动神经纤维 electromotive nerve fiber
肌电描记器 electromyograph
肌电信号 electromyographic signal
肌电描记术 electromyography
电麻醉 electronarcosis
电诱刺激 electronastic stimulus