否认现实 denial of reality
外延定义外延定义 denotative definition
外延意义外延意义 denotative meaning
密度测定法密度测定法 densitometry
密度估计密度估计 density estimation
交际密度 density of communication
结构密度 density of texture
音的密度 density of tone
齿龄 dental age
齿状核 dental nucleus
治牙恐怖症 dental treatment phobia
齿状圆 dentate gyrus
外延定义外延定义 denotative definition
外延意义外延意义 denotative meaning
密度测定法密度测定法 densitometry
密度估计密度估计 density estimation
交际密度 density of communication
结构密度 density of texture
音的密度 density of tone
齿龄 dental age
齿状核 dental nucleus
治牙恐怖症 dental treatment phobia
齿状圆 dentate gyrus
营养缺乏 denutrition
丹佛发展筛选测验 Denver Developmental Screening Test
节制 deny oneself
脱氧核糖核酸酶 deoxyribonuclease
部门化 departmentalization
依存动机依存动机 dependency motive
依赖需求 dependency need
依附 dependent
依存者 dependent being
依附性自居 dependent identification
依赖联合作用 dependent joint action
依赖性人格 dependent personality
依赖型人格障碍 dependent personality disorder
相依样本相依样本 dependent sample
人格解体 depersonalization
自我感丧失症 depersonalization disorder
人格解体神经症 depersonalization neurosis
使失去个性使失去个性 depersonalize
镇静剂 depressant
阻抑的 depressed
抑郁症 depression
抑郁与忧虑 Depression and Anxiety
抑郁与应激 Depression and Stress
老年抑郁症 depression in old age
抑郁性焦虑 depressive anxiety
抑郁性痴呆 depressive dementia
抑郁病 depressive illness
抑郁性躁狂症 depressive mania
抑郁心境 depressive mood
抑郁性神经症 depressive neurosis