势能曲线 potential energy curve
势运动 potential motion
波特模型 potts model
粉末照相机 powder camera
粉末干涉象 powder pattern
粉末照相术 powder photography
动力示范堆 power demonstration reactor
功率因数计 power factor meter
透镜的焦强 power of a lens
动力堆 power reactor
坡印廷 罗伯逊效应 poynting robertson effect
初真空 pre vacuum
势运动 potential motion
波特模型 potts model
粉末照相机 powder camera
粉末干涉象 powder pattern
粉末照相术 powder photography
动力示范堆 power demonstration reactor
功率因数计 power factor meter
透镜的焦强 power of a lens
动力堆 power reactor
坡印廷 罗伯逊效应 poynting robertson effect
初真空 pre vacuum
前加速器 preaccelerator
旋进照相机 precession camera
用鲶鱼预报地震 predict earthquake with catfish
优选复合 preferential recombination
压力增宽 pressure broadening
压力弥散 pressure dispersion
压力阻 pressure drag
压力敏感二极管 pressure sensitive diode
压力敏感晶体管 pressure sensitive transistor
压强张量 pressure tensor
普里马科夫效应 primakoff effect
初级束流原射线束 primary beam
原宇宙辐射 primary cosmic radiation
原宇宙射线 primary cosmic rays
一次电离 primary ionization
昼 primary rainbow
智 primary star
初始靶 primary target
初始温度计 primary thermometer
原始星系 primeval galaxy
太阳系星云 primordial solar nebula
非常光线舟射率 principal index for extraordinary ray
舟射率 principal refractive indices
光速不变原理 principle of constancy of light velocity
对应态原理 principle of corresponding states
熵补偿原理 principle of entropy compensation
等验前概率原理 principle of equal a priori probabilities
均分原理 principle of equipartition
质能当量原理 principle of equivalence of mass and energy
微观可逆性原理 principle of microscopic reversibility