局部常数层 locally constant sheaf
局部可缩空间 locally contractible space
局部凸代数 locally convex algebra
局部凸空间 locally convex space
局部凸拓扑 locally convex topology
局部欧几里得联通 locally euclidean connection
局部欧几里得群 locally euclidean group
局部欧几里得廖 locally euclidean manifold
局部欧几里得空间 locally euclidean space
局部有限范畴 locally finite category
局部有限复形 locally finite complex
局部有限集族 locally finite family of sets
局部可缩空间 locally contractible space
局部凸代数 locally convex algebra
局部凸空间 locally convex space
局部凸拓扑 locally convex topology
局部欧几里得联通 locally euclidean connection
局部欧几里得群 locally euclidean group
局部欧几里得廖 locally euclidean manifold
局部欧几里得空间 locally euclidean space
局部有限范畴 locally finite category
局部有限复形 locally finite complex
局部有限集族 locally finite family of sets
局部有限图 locally finite graph
局部有限和 locally finite sum
局部平坦的 locally flat
局部自由层 locally free sheaf
局部同态函数 locally homomorphic function
局部道路连通空间 locally pathconnected space
局部正则置信区域 locally regular confidence region
局部可分空间 locally separable space
局部可解群 locally soluble group
局部平凡嵌入 locally trivial embedding
局部无偏检验 locally unbiased test
局部单值化参数 locally uniformizing parameter
局部一致收敛序列 locally uniformly convergent sequence
局部零函数 locally zero function
对数曲线 log curve
重对数坐标纸 log log paper
讷代对数 logarithm to the basese
对数分歧点 logarithmic branchpoint
对数凸性 logarithmic convexity
对数座标 logarithmic coordinates
对数导数 logarithmic derivative
对数分布 logarithmic distribution
对数方程 logarithmic equation
对数积分 logarithmic integral
对数位势 logarithmic potential
对数残数 logarithmic residue
对数级数 logarithmic series
对数奇点 logarithmic singularity
对数计算尺 logarithmic slide rule
逻辑学 logic calculus