算法化 algorithmization
列系统抽样 aligned systematic sampling
容许靠 allowable defects
几乎处处 almost all
殆有界函数 almost bounded function
几乎必然收敛 almost certain convergence
殆复廖 almost complex manifold
殆收敛序列 almost convergent sequence
殆等价 almost equivalent
殆不可能事件 almost impossible event
殆不变集 almost invariant set
殆周期函数 almost periodic function
列系统抽样 aligned systematic sampling
容许靠 allowable defects
几乎处处 almost all
殆有界函数 almost bounded function
几乎必然收敛 almost certain convergence
殆复廖 almost complex manifold
殆收敛序列 almost convergent sequence
殆等价 almost equivalent
殆不可能事件 almost impossible event
殆不变集 almost invariant set
殆周期函数 almost periodic function
殆周期性 almost periodicity
殆显著的 almost significant
极限集 alpha limit set
字母的 alphabetical
字母数字式 alphanumeric
信息的字母 数字表示 alphanumeric representation of information
错角 alternate angles
交错链 alternating chain
外微分形式 alternating differential form
微分形式的交错微分 alternating differential of differential form
交错形式 alternating form
反对称函数 alternating function
交错群 alternating group
莱布尼兹级数 alternating harmonic series
交错纽结 alternating knot
交错矩阵 alternating matrix
交错序列 alternating sequence
交错级数 alternating series
交错级数检验 alternating series test
交错和 alternating sum
交错张量 alternating tensor
交错张量密度 alternating tensor density
交错树 alternating tree
交错代数 alternative algebra
交错域 alternative field
析取范式 alternative normal form
选言命题 alternative proposition
高度定理 altitude theorem
融合积 amalgamated product
融和子范畴 amalgamated subcategory