递升序列 ascending sequence
非球面空间 aspherical space
非球面牲 asphericity
断定号 assertion sign
可指定的原因 assignable cause
配置问题 assignment problem
相伴方程 associate equation
相伴的纤维丛 associated fiber bundle
连带形式 associated form
连带函数 associated function
相伴分次模 associated graded module
形式环 associated graded ring
非球面空间 aspherical space
非球面牲 asphericity
断定号 assertion sign
可指定的原因 assignable cause
配置问题 assignment problem
相伴方程 associate equation
相伴的纤维丛 associated fiber bundle
连带形式 associated form
连带函数 associated function
相伴分次模 associated graded module
形式环 associated graded ring
相伴齐次方程 associated homogeneous equation
相伴齐次组 associated homogeneous system
连带的拉盖尔多项式 associated laguerre polynomial
相伴勒让德函数 associated legendre function
相伴极小曲面 associated minimal surface
相伴幂级数 associated power series
相伴素理想 associated prime ideal
相伴收敛半径 associated radius of convergence
相伴空间 associated space
相伴球面低 associated spherical harmonic
连带曲面 associated surface
相伴系 associated system
相伴无向图 associated undirected graph
结合代数 associative algebra
级数的结合律 associative law for series
结合性 associativity
假定公式 assumption formula
星形线 asteroid
非对称关系 asymmetric relation
非对称簇 asymmetric variety
恒等图 asymmetrical graph
曲线的渐近线 asymptote of curve
渐近圆 asymptotic circle
渐近锥面 asymptotic cone
渐近曲率 asymptotic curvature
渐近曲线 asymptotic curve
渐近密度 asymptotic density
渐近方向 asymptotic direction
渐近效率 asymptotic efficiency
渐近公式 asymptotic formula