砂心吹射机 core shooter
砂心吹射 core shooting
砂心工场 core shop
心型滑板(压铸) core slide
砍心吹射及硬化机 core sooting and curing machine
心骨轴 core spindle
砂心喷涂器 core sprayer
过滤用砂心 core strainer
刮心平刮板 core strickle
砂心模板 core template ,core templer
砂心搬运车 core truck
砂心车床 core turning lathe
砂心吹射 core shooting
砂心工场 core shop
心型滑板(压铸) core slide
砍心吹射及硬化机 core sooting and curing machine
心骨轴 core spindle
砂心喷涂器 core sprayer
过滤用砂心 core strainer
刮心平刮板 core strickle
砂心模板 core template ,core templer
砂心搬运车 core truck
砂心车床 core turning lathe
砂心翻转提升机 core turn-over and lifting machine
砂心通气孔 core vent
砂心通气蜡条 core vent wax
砂心涂浆 core wash
坩埚式感应电炉 coreless induction furance
装砂心 coring up
修角刀 corner tool
腐蚀脆化 corrosion embrittlement
棉织滤尘袋 cotton bag
可换风口 coupled tuyeres
联结砂心端承 coupling print
试样胚 coupon
定模(压铸) cover die
覆盖热 cover heating
覆盖层[熔剂], 涂层 covering flux
克朗宁造模法(壳模法) C-process
裂痕(铸疵) crack
裂痕浸渗试验 crack impregnation test
裂痕试验 crack test
增压砂心 cracker core
防裂筋 cracking strip
起重机,吊车 cramne
吊车浇桶 crane ladle
皱痕面(铸疵) creasy surface
临界凝固率 critical solidification rate
横流道 cross gate
坩蜗炉 crucible furnace
坩蜗吊钳 crucible lifter
坩蜗浇铸装置 crucible pouring device
坩蜗法 crucible process