冷硬麻口控制法 chill mottle control
冷硬钉 chill nail
金属模涂料油 chill oil
冷硬板 chill plate
消除冷硬退火 chill removing annealing
冷硬环 chill ring
冷硬棒 chill rod
冷却用料 chill scrap
冷硬试验 chill test
冷硬层,冷硬区 chill zone
有麻口冷硬层 chill zone with mottle
无麻口冷硬层 chill zone without mottle
冷硬钉 chill nail
金属模涂料油 chill oil
冷硬板 chill plate
消除冷硬退火 chill removing annealing
冷硬环 chill ring
冷硬棒 chill rod
冷却用料 chill scrap
冷硬试验 chill test
冷硬层,冷硬区 chill zone
有麻口冷硬层 chill zone with mottle
无麻口冷硬层 chill zone without mottle
冷硬铸铁 chilled cast iron
冷硬轧辊 chilled roll
冷硬铸珠 chilled shot
冷铁 chilling block
瓷土,高岭土 china clay
凿子,凿机 chipper
凿刀 chipping chisel
凿平问 chipping room
氯气处理 chlorine
闸喉,闸口 choke
闸喉式流道 choked runner system
铬基耐火材料 chrome base refractories
铬铸铁 chrome cast iron
铬酸处理 chrome pickle treatment
铬镁砂 chrome-magnesite
毛虫状石墨 chunk graphite
炉渣,煤渣,飞灰 cinder
夹合 clamping
夹杆 clamping bar
夹模板(压铸) clamping plate
砂模夹坏(铸疵) clamp-off
分级节(模砂) classifying screen
黏土黏结剂 clay bond
黏土砖 clay brick
泥浆刷 clay brush
黏土含量 clay content
黏土分试验 clay content test
黏土坩蜗 clay crucible
喷泥枪 clay gun
黏土砂 clay sand