理论效率 theoretical efficiency
理论方程式 theoretical equation
理论公式 theoretical formula
理论地质学 theoretical geology
离心泵的理论扬程 theoretical lift of centrifugal pump
理论模拟 theoretical modeling
理论动态预测 theoretical performance prediction
理论物理学 theoretical physics
理论功率 theoretical power
理论分辨率 theoretical resolution
理论地震记录 theoretical seismogram
理论地震学 theoretical seismology
理论方程式 theoretical equation
理论公式 theoretical formula
理论地质学 theoretical geology
离心泵的理论扬程 theoretical lift of centrifugal pump
理论模拟 theoretical modeling
理论动态预测 theoretical performance prediction
理论物理学 theoretical physics
理论功率 theoretical power
理论分辨率 theoretical resolution
理论地震记录 theoretical seismogram
理论地震学 theoretical seismology
理论潮汐变化 theoretical tidal variation
理论塔板 theoretical tray
理论上的真电阻率 theoretical true resistivity
理论注水面积波及效率 theoretical waterflood areal sweep
理论上 theoretically
理论家 theorist
学说 theory
算法理论 theory of algorithm
比较成本理论 theory of comparative cost
经济变动理论 theory of economic change
方程论 theory of equations
函数论 theory of functions
复变函数论 theory of functions of a complex variable
衡量利弊得失理论 theory of games
石油无机成因说 theory of inorganic origin
均衡说 theory of isostasy
认识论 theory of knowledge
工业区位理论 theory of location of industry
机械原理 theory of machines
增殖理论 theory of multiplier
数论 theory of numbers
石油有机成因说 theory of organic origin
塑性粘滞流理论 theory of plastic viscous flow
板块构造理论 theory of plate tectonics
程序论 theory of programming
数量化理论 theory of quantification
放射性学说 theory of radioactivity
相似论 theory of similarity
样条逼近理论 theory of spline approximation
效用理论 theory of utility