拉力计 tautness meter
同义反复 tautology
同音反复 tautophony
张绳 taut-wire traverse
井下炸弹 taw
霓方钠岩 tawite
黄褐色 tawny
税金;负担 tax
税务 tax affairs
税务当局 tax authorities
避税 tax avoidance
课税基础 tax basis
同义反复 tautology
同音反复 tautophony
张绳 taut-wire traverse
井下炸弹 taw
霓方钠岩 tawite
黄褐色 tawny
税金;负担 tax
税务 tax affairs
税务当局 tax authorities
避税 tax avoidance
课税基础 tax basis
税负 tax bearing
税级 tax bracket
免税 tax exemption
包税人 tax farmer
包税制 tax farming
实物税 tax in kind
投资税收减让 tax incentive for investment
税务管辖权 tax jurisdiction
税法 tax law
税收法规 tax laws and regulations
车船使用牌照税 tax of vehicle and ship license
征税 tax on
奢侈税 tax on luxurise
税率表 tax rate schedule
减税 tax reduction
征税参考价 tax referance price
税收处理 tax treatment
应纳税的收益 taxable income
征税;税制;估价征税 taxation
销售税金 taxes on sales
应付税金 taxes payable
出租汽车;滑行 taxi
具石灰岩原始结构的白云岩 taxichnic dolomite
计程器 taximeter
杉粉属 Taxodiaceae-pollenites
完税后成本 taxpaid cost
泰罗制 Taylor systm
泰勒阶 Tayloran
泰勒级数近似法 Taylor's series approximation
冲断层带 TB