冲击波聚合 shock wave polymerization
冲击变形 shock-produced deformation
防震的 shockproof
冲击波钻进 shock-wave drilling
鞋管 shoe joint
油罐浮顶座板 shoe of tank
压力注水泥工具 shoe squeeze tool
鞋带状油藏 shoe string deposit
鞋带状砂层 shoe string sands
套管鞋试验 shoe test
椭底筒状钻具 shoe-nose shell
鞋带状砂坝 shoestring bar
冲击变形 shock-produced deformation
防震的 shockproof
冲击波钻进 shock-wave drilling
鞋管 shoe joint
油罐浮顶座板 shoe of tank
压力注水泥工具 shoe squeeze tool
鞋带状油藏 shoe string deposit
鞋带状砂层 shoe string sands
套管鞋试验 shoe test
椭底筒状钻具 shoe-nose shell
鞋带状砂坝 shoestring bar
鞋带状透镜体油藏 shoestring lenses
带状油田 shoestring oil field
鞋带状砂岩圈闭 shoestring-sand trap
等色岩 shonkinite
分激电动机 shont-wound motor
临时道路 shoofly
清灰门 shoot door
勘探设计 shoot on paper
炮点静校正 shoot static
射孔-处理联合作业的固砂工具 shoot-and-treat sand consolidation tool
倒换平均法 shootback method
爆炸工 shooter
井中勘探 shooting a well
中靶算法 shooting algorithm
激发排列 shooting arrangement
放炮船 shooting boat
炮点距 shooting distance
射流铸型 shooting flow cast
引爆头 shooting head
中靶法 shooting method
防喷管 shooting nipple assembly
油井爆破作业;油井射孔 shooting of oil well
成组激发 shooting on group
射孔点 shooting point
爆破除岩 shooting rock
激发技术 shooting techniques
间隔排列 shooting under
车间刻度 shop calibration
车间刻度记录 shop calibration summary
工艺性能 shop characteristic