悬浮态 suspended state
悬移浊流 suspended turbidity current
暂停井 suspended well
悬挂装置 suspender
暂停钻井 suspending a well
悬浮剂 suspending agent
悬浮效率 suspending efficiency
悬浮液 suspending liquid
悬挂;中止;悬而未决;担心;未定 suspense
暂记帐户 suspense account
暂记贷项;暂收款 suspense credits
暂记借项;暂付款 suspense debits
悬移浊流 suspended turbidity current
暂停井 suspended well
悬挂装置 suspender
暂停钻井 suspending a well
悬浮剂 suspending agent
悬浮效率 suspending efficiency
悬浮液 suspending liquid
悬挂;中止;悬而未决;担心;未定 suspense
暂记帐户 suspense account
暂记贷项;暂收款 suspense credits
暂记借项;暂付款 suspense debits
停业 suspense of business
暂付款 suspense payment
可悬浮性 suspensibility
吊轴承 suspension bearing
悬吊滑车 suspension block
吊顶式液化天然气储罐 suspension deck LNG tank
悬挂接头 suspension joint
悬浮载荷沉积 suspension load deposit
岩屑悬浮 suspension of cuttings
暂时弃井水泥塞 suspension plug
省略号 suspension points
悬浮聚合 suspension polymerization
悬浮性能 suspension property
悬浮稳定剂 suspension stabilizer
悬挂装置;悬浮系 suspension system
悬浮搬运 suspension transport
悬浮运输速度 suspension transport velocity
高架式并条机 suspension type drawing frame
悬丝 suspension wire
悬浮区 suspension zone
悬胶体 suspensoid
悬挂的;搁置的;暂停的;悬挂物 suspensory
可持续发展 sustainable development
持续的 sustained
持续对比度 sustained contrast
持续应力 sustained stress
持续风 sustained wind
主发动机;支点;支持者 sustainer
水下技术学会 SUT
地缝合带 suture belt