地震测线勘探法 profile shooting
剖面间距 profile spacing
异形喷丝板 profile spinneret
剖面测量 profile survey
靠模仿形 profile tracer
齿廓磨损 profile wear
成形钢丝 profile wire
异形钢材 profiled bar
异形纤维截面 profiled fibre cross-section
异形截面长丝 profiled filament
型铁 profiled iron
注水井吸水剖面 profile-log of water injection
剖面间距 profile spacing
异形喷丝板 profile spinneret
剖面测量 profile survey
靠模仿形 profile tracer
齿廓磨损 profile wear
成形钢丝 profile wire
异形钢材 profiled bar
异形纤维截面 profiled fibre cross-section
异形截面长丝 profiled filament
型铁 profiled iron
注水井吸水剖面 profile-log of water injection
绘地震剖面图;靠模 profiling
表面光度仪;轮廓测定器;纵断面测绘器 profilograph
投资损益 profit and loss on investments
损益表 profit and loss statement
损益汇总表 profit and loss summary
利税额 profit and tax amount
投资利税率 profit and tax investment ratio
盈利区 profit area
利润中心 profit center
利润表 profit flow table
利润指数 profit index
获利年份 profit making years
利润极大化 profit maximization
利润油;余额油 profit oil
益损值 profit or loss
损益矩阵 profit or loss maxtrix
利润规划;利润计划 profit planning
盈利潜力 profit potential
利润率 profit rate
净值利润率 profit rate of net worth
利润比率 profit ratio
成本利润率 profit ratio of cost
投资利润率 profit ratio of investment
产值利润率 profit ratio of production
销售利润率 profit ratio of sales
工资利润率 profit ratio of wages
利润再投资 profit reinvested
利润分成 profit sharing
利润分成油 profit sharing oil
分红制 profit sharing plan