全部的 overall
总精度 overall accuracy
整体平差 overall adjustment
综合法 overall approach
总平均值 overall average
综合预算 overall budget
建设项目总概算 overall budgetary estimate of construction
总压缩比 overall compression ratio
全面成本管理 overall cost control
总体开发方案 overall development plan
总潜水时间极限 overall diver time limit
总的钻井速度 overall drilling speed
总精度 overall accuracy
整体平差 overall adjustment
综合法 overall approach
总平均值 overall average
综合预算 overall budget
建设项目总概算 overall budgetary estimate of construction
总压缩比 overall compression ratio
全面成本管理 overall cost control
总体开发方案 overall development plan
总潜水时间极限 overall diver time limit
总的钻井速度 overall drilling speed
全面经济效果 overall economic effect
国民经济综合平衡 overall equilibrium of national economy
总体开采计划 overall exploitation plan
总勘探风险 overall exploration risk
全油田生产动态 overall field performance
综合财政计划 overall financial plan
相对探伤灵敏度 overall flaw detection sensitivity
总注采比 overall injection-withdrawal ratio
总体型式 overall pattern
总穿透深度 overall penetration
总指标 overall performance
统筹方法 overall planning method
总压比 overall pressure ratio
全面计划 overall project
综合质量 overall quality
总传动比 overall ratio
总采出量 overall recovery
总采收率 overall recovery efficiency
总响应 overall response
全面选择 overall selection
系统综合调整 overall system adjustment
总试验 overall test
总导热率 overall thermal conductance
总热效率 overall thermal efficiency
综合稠度 overall thickness
总利用率 overall utilization
注水总站 overall water injection plant
总体可焊性 overall weldability
总宽 overall width
总产率 overall yield