访问;查找 make reference
退让 make room
去气 make the gas
将方钻杆钻完 make the kelly down
检查油井或机器 make the rounds
匆忙完成作业 make time
接与断 make-and-break
快卸接箍 make-and-break coupling
上卸扣试验 make-and-break test
先闭后开触点 make-before-break contact
临时代用品 makeshift
代用设备 make-shift equipment
退让 make room
去气 make the gas
将方钻杆钻完 make the kelly down
检查油井或机器 make the rounds
匆忙完成作业 make time
接与断 make-and-break
快卸接箍 make-and-break coupling
上卸扣试验 make-and-break test
先闭后开触点 make-before-break contact
临时代用品 makeshift
代用设备 make-shift equipment
上紧-卸开螺纹 makeup and breakout
钻杆旋接夹盘 make-up chuck
补充液 make-up fluid
补给气 make-up gas
上紧-卸开螺纹装置 make-up gun
新氢压缩机 make-up hydrogen compressor
补充异丁烷 make-up isobutane
钻具组合 make-up of string
补给工艺用水 make-up process water
供水泵 make-up pump
补充罐;配料罐 make-up tank
接管子用大钳 make-up tongs
上紧力矩 make-up torque
备用阀 make-up valve
添加水 make-up water
上紧螺纹管钳 make-up wrench
接单根 making a connection
装配组件 making-up unit
马克莱氏NFDA3属 Maklaya
恶意 mala fide
不对准;相对位偏;偏心率;轴线不对准 malalignment
不适当的 malapropos
揉 malaxation
揉和机;捏土机 malaxator
马来亚牙形石属 Malaygnathus
不均衡性;畸形 malconformation
分布不匀 maldistribution
阳性的 male
阳螺纹-阴螺纹十字接头 male and female cross
阳螺纹-阴螺纹接头 male and female joint