草;噪音细条;草;茅草干扰 grass
草原沼泽 grass swamp
植草土堤 grassed earthen embankment
液面控制装置 grasshopper
轻型钻机 grasshopper rig
新建项目 grassroot project
新建炼厂 grassroot refinery
浅油砂层 grassroots
炉箅 grate bar
粗齿木锉;磨光机 grater
格子量板;十字线 graticule
方格线 graticule line
草原沼泽 grass swamp
植草土堤 grassed earthen embankment
液面控制装置 grasshopper
轻型钻机 grasshopper rig
新建项目 grassroot project
新建炼厂 grassroot refinery
浅油砂层 grassroots
炉箅 grate bar
粗齿木锉;磨光机 grater
格子量板;十字线 graticule
方格线 graticule line
格网 graticule mesh
坐标网延长线 graticule ticks
格状结构 grating texture
赏金;小费 gratuity
潮道 grau
砾石棱角度 gravel angularity
砾石颗料排列 gravel arrangement
一次配制的砾石用量 gravel batch
含砾石液体 gravel bearing fluid
砾石破碎 gravel breakup
砾石形成砂桥 gravel bridging
砾石堆积 gravel buildup
砾石充填柱 gravel column
砾石充填设备 gravel compaction equipment
砾石充填体积效率 gravel compaction volumetric effeciency
砾石含量 gravel concentration
砾石储器 gravel containment
砾石覆盖率 gravel coverage
砾石沉积 gravel deposition
砾石砂丘 gravel dune
砾石脉 gravel dyke
砾石沉降速率 gravel fall rate
砾石滑脱 gravel fallout
循环砾石充填衬管完井 gravel flow packed liner completion
砾石与液体的混合物 gravel fluid mixture
砾石充填液滤器 gravel fluid screen
砾石流态化 gravel fluidation
砾石充填高度 gravel height
砾石充填混合装置 gravel injection blending unit
泵后加砂砾石充填 gravel injection down-stream of the pump