查漏 detection of leaks
检测概率 detection probability
检出半径增量 detection radius increase
检测范围 detection range
检测灵敏度 detection sensitivity
检测电缆 detection streamer
探测系统 detection system
检测阀 detection threshold
探测道宽度 detection width
侦探 detective
测试桩 detective pole
探测能力 detectivity
检测概率 detection probability
检出半径增量 detection radius increase
检测范围 detection range
检测灵敏度 detection sensitivity
检测电缆 detection streamer
探测系统 detection system
检测阀 detection threshold
探测道宽度 detection width
侦探 detective
测试桩 detective pole
探测能力 detectivity
检波器组合 detector array
检波器平衡偏压 detector balance bias
检波器组 detector bank
检波器电桥 detector bridge
检波器电缆 detector cable
检测器电池 detector cell
检测器室 detector compartment
探测器晶体 detector crystal
检波器间隔 detector interval
检测器噪音 detector noise
检测器分辨率 detector resolution
检测器灵敏度 detector sensitivity
检波器信号 detector signal
检波器拖缆 detector streamer
检测开关 detector switch
检波器与地面耦合 detector-ground coupling
水中探音器 detectoscope
爪式振击器 detent jar
去污力 detergency
洗净的 detergent
洗涤剂醇 detergent alcohol
洗涤助剂 detergent auxiliary
洗涤剂增效助剂 detergent builder
洗净系数 detergent factor
含有去垢剂的润滑油 detergent oil
去垢能力 detergent power
老化形成的故障 deterioration failure
油品变质 deterioration of oil product
对品质有害的物质 deterioratoin agent
可测误差 determinable error