尖头沙坝 cuspate bar
尖状边界 cuspate boundary
三角形前陆 cuspate foreland
三角形滨外沙坝 cuspate offshore bar
尖头岩礁 cuspate reef
尖头小沙岛 cuspate sandkey
尖头沙嘴 cuspate spit
尖弧三角洲 cuspate-arcuate delta
形成水舌 cusping
保管业务 custodian service
保管工作 custodianship
保管 custody
尖状边界 cuspate boundary
三角形前陆 cuspate foreland
三角形滨外沙坝 cuspate offshore bar
尖头岩礁 cuspate reef
尖头小沙岛 cuspate sandkey
尖头沙嘴 cuspate spit
尖弧三角洲 cuspate-arcuate delta
形成水舌 cusping
保管业务 custodian service
保管工作 custodianship
保管 custody
输油监测设备 custody transfer facility
输油监测计量 custody transfer measurement
清关 custom clearance
报关手续 custom procesures
习惯皮重 customary tare
专用机器 custom-built machine
用户固定费用 customer charge
用户密度 customer density
采用用户仪器的测井服务 customer instrument service
用户磁带格式 customer tape format
由用户提供的 customer-furnished
由买主引起的更改 customer-originated change
客户帐 customer's account
用户认可 customer's approval
客户存款帐 customer's book
海关 customhouse
专门定制 custom-made
报关经纪人 customs agent
国际贸易惯例 customs and usages of interantioanl trade
海关拍卖 customs auction
关税壁垒 customs barrier
海关保税 customs bond
关境 customs boundary
报关行 customs broker
海关证明书 customs certificate
报关费 customs cleanance fee
关税合作理事会 Customs Cooperation Council
关税成本会计 customs cost accounting
海关保管 customs custody
报关单 customs declaration