组装长度 assembled length
装配式铣刀 assembled milling cutter
装配式工厂 assembled plant
汇编命令 assembler directive
汇编程序语言 assembler language
球罐散装法 assembling sphere bulk method
球罐带装法 assembling sphere method with endless belt
来件装配 assembling with foreign spares
集合;集会;装配 assembly
组合结构 assembly configuration
汇编指令 assembly instruction
装配作业线 assembly line
装配式铣刀 assembled milling cutter
装配式工厂 assembled plant
汇编命令 assembler directive
汇编程序语言 assembler language
球罐散装法 assembling sphere bulk method
球罐带装法 assembling sphere method with endless belt
来件装配 assembling with foreign spares
集合;集会;装配 assembly
组合结构 assembly configuration
汇编指令 assembly instruction
装配作业线 assembly line
流水线生产 assembly line production
汇编表 assembly list
汇编程序;组合程序 assembly program
汇编语句 assembly statement
安装应力 assembly stress
汇编子程序 assembly subroutine
并线初捻机 assembly twister
汇编程序单位;装配部件 assembly unit
再捻络筒 assembly wound
装配产业 assemblying industry
阿苏喀林珊瑚属 Asserculinia
评估效率 assess effectiveness
可评价的 assessable
评定 assessment
评标 assessment of bids
估价员;顾问 assessor
财富 asset
资产准备 asset reserve
资产退役 asset retirement
资产结构 asset structure
资金周转率 asset turnover
资产收益比率 assetincome ratio
资产负债比率 assetliability ratio
资本购置 assets acquisition
帐外资产 assets out of book
勤勉 assiduity
分配;指定 assign
可转让的 assignable
可转让信用证 assignable letter of credit
赋值转移 assigned branch