翻斗式雨量计 tipping-bucket rain recorder
滴定曲线 titration curve
令牌;权标 token
令牌总线 token bus
令牌传递规程 token passing procedure
示值进回程差 tolerance between forward and backward in indicating value
射线层析照相术 tomography X
顶底导向 top and bottom guiding
顶导向 top guiding
自上而下开发 top-down development
自上而下测试 top-down testing
上皿天平 top-loading balance
滴定曲线 titration curve
令牌;权标 token
令牌总线 token bus
令牌传递规程 token passing procedure
示值进回程差 tolerance between forward and backward in indicating value
射线层析照相术 tomography X
顶底导向 top and bottom guiding
顶导向 top guiding
自上而下开发 top-down development
自上而下测试 top-down testing
上皿天平 top-loading balance
上皿式热天平 top-loading thermobalance
拓朴结构 topological structure
喇叭口喉部文丘里喷嘴 toroidal throat Venturi nozzle
力矩开关 torque limit switch
转矩磁强计 torque magnetometer
[sensor] 力矩传感器;转矩传感器 torque transducer
力矩变换器 torque variator
转矩测量仪 torquemeter
扭秤;扭力天平 torsion balance
扭辫分析 torsional braid analysis
扭辫分析仪 torsional braid analysis apparatus
扭应变 torsional shear strain
总云量 total cloud cover
声发射总数 total counts of acoustic emission
全发射率 total emissivity
总谐波失真 total harmonic distortion
全浸温度计 total immersion thermometer
总离子色谱图 total ion chromatogram
分格数 total number of divisions
海水总有机碳测定仪 total organic carbon analyzer for seaswter
总压皮托管 total pressure Pitor tube
总压取压孔 total pressure tapping
全压管 total pressure tube
全面质量管理 total quality control (TQC)
全辐射测温法 total radiation thermometry
全响应时间 total reponse time
累计称量 total weight
总加器 totalizer
总计仪器仪表 totalizing instrument
拖曳式温盐深剖面仪 towed STD system