脉冲傅里叶变换核磁共振波谱仪 pulse Fourier transform NMR spectroscope
脉冲调频控制系统 pulse frequency modulation control system
脉冲调频式磁带记录强震仪 pulse frequency modulation magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument
脉冲堆积排除器 pulse pileup rejection
脉冲极谱仪 pulse polarograph
脉冲位置调制 pulse position modulation
[sensor] 脉搏传感器 pulse transducer
脉冲核磁共振波谱仪 pulse type NMR spectroscope
脉冲调宽控制系统 pulse width modulation control system; PWM control system
脉冲光反馈 pulsed optical feedback
脉冲光束云高计 pulsed-light ceilometer
穿孔卡片 punched card
脉冲调频控制系统 pulse frequency modulation control system
脉冲调频式磁带记录强震仪 pulse frequency modulation magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument
脉冲堆积排除器 pulse pileup rejection
脉冲极谱仪 pulse polarograph
脉冲位置调制 pulse position modulation
[sensor] 脉搏传感器 pulse transducer
脉冲核磁共振波谱仪 pulse type NMR spectroscope
脉冲调宽控制系统 pulse width modulation control system; PWM control system
脉冲光反馈 pulsed optical feedback
脉冲光束云高计 pulsed-light ceilometer
穿孔卡片 punched card
赵氏硬度值 Pusey and Jones indentation hardness number
赵氏硬度计 Pusey and Jones indentation instrument
压力-容积-温度-时间法 P-V-T-t technique
总日射计 pyranograph
总日射表 pyranometer
地球辐射表;大气辐射表 pyrgeometer
直接日射强度表;日射表 pyrheliometer
[sensor] 热释电式光传感器 pyroelectric optical transducer
[sensor] 热释电式温度传感器 pyroelectric temperature transducer
裂解器 pyrolysis apparatus
裂解气相色谱法 pyrolysis gas chromatography
高温计灯泡 pyrometer lamp
全辐射表 pyrradiometer
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