集中管理系统 centralized management system
集中式网络 centralized network
集中型过程控制计算机 centralized process control computer
离心力式平衡机 centrifugal balancing machine
陶瓷传声器 ceramic microphone
雷电计 ceraunograph
雷电仪 ceraunometer
合格证书 certificate of conformity
控制证书 certificate of control
认证 certification
防爆合格证 certification of conformity of an instrument for explosive atmosphere
认证体系 certification system
集中式网络 centralized network
集中型过程控制计算机 centralized process control computer
离心力式平衡机 centrifugal balancing machine
陶瓷传声器 ceramic microphone
雷电计 ceraunograph
雷电仪 ceraunometer
合格证书 certificate of conformity
控制证书 certificate of control
认证 certification
防爆合格证 certification of conformity of an instrument for explosive atmosphere
认证体系 certification system
有证标准物质 certified standard material
温度变化试验 change of temperature test
字符集;字符组 character set
一次一字符打印机[印刷机];串行打印机 character-at-time printer
“快”特性 characteristic "fast"
“脉冲”响应特性 characteristic "impulse"
特征轨迹 characteristic locus
特征X射线 characteristic X-ray
“慢”特性 characteristic"slow"
电荷放大器 charge amplifier
电荷灵敏度 charge sensitivity
传纸机构 chart driving mechanism
记录纸分度线 chart lines
记录纸标度尺长度 chart scale length
闭环零点 closed loop zero
关阀时间 closing valve time
截流件 closure member
云量 cloud amount
测支平衡器 cloud balancer
云底 cloud base
测云雷达 cloud detection radar
云向 cloud direction
云高指示器 cloud height indicator
云幂灯 cloud searchlight
云速 cloud speed
云顶 cloud top
云底记录仪 cloud-base recorder
云滴取校器 cloud-drop sampler
云辐射仪 cloudiness radiometer
三叶浮标 cloverleaf buoy