重复指令 repetition instruction
反向峰值重复电压 repetition peak reverse voltage
重复程序 repetition routine
重复型模拟计算机 repetition type analog computer
推斥感应电动机 repulsion induction motor
推斥式电动机 repulsion motor
具两组电刷推斥电动机 repulsion motor with double set of brushes
推斥起动感应电动机 repulsion start induction motor
重复运行点 rerun point
重复运行程序 rerun routine
研究堆 research reactor
备用母线 reserve bars
反向峰值重复电压 repetition peak reverse voltage
重复程序 repetition routine
重复型模拟计算机 repetition type analog computer
推斥感应电动机 repulsion induction motor
推斥式电动机 repulsion motor
具两组电刷推斥电动机 repulsion motor with double set of brushes
推斥起动感应电动机 repulsion start induction motor
重复运行点 rerun point
重复运行程序 rerun routine
研究堆 research reactor
备用母线 reserve bars
贮水量 reservoir capacity
蓄水式水电厂 reservoir type power plant
复位指令 reset instruction
复归 resetting
复归机构 resetting device
复原键 resetting key
复归比 resetting ratio
复归时间 resetting time
复归值 resetting value
住宅负载 residential load
残留的 residual
残留放射性 residual activity
残留效应 residual effect
剩余电动势 residual electromotive force
剩余场 residual field
剩余气体 residual gases
剩余磁化 residual magnetization
剩余磁通势 residual magnetomotive force
剩余电压 residual voltage
剩余检查 residue check
松香心焊条 resin cored solder
电阻合金 resistance alloy
电阻箱 resistance box
电阻整流 resistance commutation
电阻接地 resistance grounding
电阻加热 resistance heating
电阻损耗 resistance losses
电阻保护装置 resistance protection
电阻继电器 resistance relay
电阻标准 resistance standard