碎煤机 coal breaker
煤斗 coal bunker
耗煤量 coal consumption
运煤机 coal conveyor
煤干燥器 coal drier
洗煤机 coal washer
煤场 coal yard
半焦炭 coalite
期效应 coanda effect
粗调 coarse adjustment
粗掉 coarse control rod
粗读数 coarse reading
煤斗 coal bunker
耗煤量 coal consumption
运煤机 coal conveyor
煤干燥器 coal drier
洗煤机 coal washer
煤场 coal yard
半焦炭 coalite
期效应 coanda effect
粗调 coarse adjustment
粗掉 coarse control rod
粗读数 coarse reading
粗同步 coarse synchronizing
粗党 coarse tuning
惰行 coasting
惰行法 coasting method
敷料焊条 coated electrode
复盖层;涂层 coating
同轴的 coaxial
同轴导线 coaxial conductor
同轴波长计 coaxial wavemeter
铁酸钴 cobalt ferrite
代码组合 code combination
代码转换 code conversion
代码转换器 code converter
电码单元 code element
代码扩充字符 code extension character
编码灯 code modulation
码点 code point
代码转换器译码器 code translator
符号传输 code transmission
符号辨识 coded identification
编码程序 coded program
电容系数 coefficient of capacity
传导系数 coefficient of conductivity
接地系数 coefficient of grounding
诱导系数 coefficient of induction
线膨胀系数 coefficient of linear expansion
漏磁系数 coefficient of magnetic dispersion
磁化系数 coefficient of magnetization
互感系数 coefficient of mutual induction
电位系数 coefficient of potential