[Hong Kong Housing Society] 夹心阶层住屋计划〔香港房屋协会〕 Sandwich Class Housing Scheme夹心阶层中的夹心家庭 sandwich within sandwich group
沙质粉土;沙质粉沙 sandy silt
沙质土壤 sandy soil
洁具 sanitary appliance
洁具;卫生设施 sanitary fittings
风化土 saprolite
窗扇 sash
附属建筑物 satellite building
碟形卫星天线 satellite dish
人造卫星定位方法 satellite positional fixing system
卫星城市 satellite town
[concrete] 饱含水分混凝土芯样本 saturated core sample
饱和含水量 saturation moisture content
锯片 saw blade
锯屑 saw dust
锯 sawing machine
凿花;粗琢 scabbling
棚架;施工架 scaffold
尺度误差 scale error
[loose rock] 去除松石 scaling
小木方 scantling
后巷 scavenging lane
设施明细表;面积分配表;用途分配表 schedule of accommodation
建筑缺陷细目表;建筑瑕疵细目表 schedule of defects
失修表 schedule of dilapidation
政府承租办公室的附表 schedule of government-leased offices
按价格表计算的合约 schedule of rates contract
工料定价表(暂定数量) Schedule of Rates with Provisional Quantities
样本表 schedule of samples
[cleansing contract] 工作细则表〔清洁合约〕 schedule of service
土地用途及面积一览表 schedule of uses and areas
预定完工日期 scheduled completion date
卖地章程附表所列项目的保养期 scheduled defects liability period
固定租金 scheduled rent
[electrical] 布线图〔电气〕 schematic diagram
计划设计图;工程计划设计 scheme design
片岩 schist
混凝土测试枪;回弹仪 Schmidt hammer
刮刀;刮土机 scraper
岩屑堆;山石堆 scree
砂浆底层 screed