坑槽 pit井槽盖 pit cover
坑厕 pit latrine
斜度;间距 pitch
斜顶;斜尖屋顶 pitched roof
砌石护坡防波堤 pitched slope breakwater
砌石护坡海堤 pitched slope seawall
在斜坡开辟的洞口 pits on slope
孔蚀;点蚀 pitting
公众聚会场所 place of public assembly
公众娱乐场所 place of public entertainment
文娱活动场所 place of recreation and culture
素混凝土 plain concrete
光面管状栏杆 plain tubular railing
平刨 plane
刨刀 plane cutter
平面直角坐标网 plane rectangular grid
平面应力 plane stress
求积仪 planimeter
刨 planing machine
木板 plank
板架支撑 planking and strutting
制图者 plan-maker
制图过程 plan-making process
有计划腾空的单位 planned vacancy
规划师 planner
规划师注册管理局 Planners Registration Board
规划区 planning area
规划大纲 planning brief
规划带来的改善 planning enhancement
《规划手册》 Planning Manual
规划纲领图 planning statement plan
规划小组联络人 planning team co-ordinator
规划小组组长 planning team leader
[Government Secretariat] 规划环境地政局〔政府总部〕 Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau
规划环境地政局技术通告 Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau Technical Circular
规划、环境地政政策联络委员会 Planning, Environment and Lands Policy Liaison Committee
测平器 planometer
机房 plant room
机房门 plant room door
抹灰;抹面;批荡;灰泥 plaster
灰泥墙角护条;灰泥护角 plaster bead