巡逻护卫员 patrol guard已铺路面的地区;已铺筑地区 paved area
路面;行人道 pavement
铺路机 paver
凉亭 pavilion
铺砌面 paving
铺路砖 paving block
铺路石;铺面石板 paving stone
小卵石 pea gravel
最大荷载;高 负荷 peak load
泥炭;腐叶土;腐植土 peat
圆砾;小卵石 pebble
座墩;柱脚;基座 pedestal
座墩消防栓;柱形消防栓 pedestal fire hydrant
坐厕 pedestal toilet
坐厕 pedestal water closet pan
人车通道系统 pedestrian and vehicular access system
[public rental housing] 天桥廊〔租住公屋〕 pedestrian deck
高架行人道系统 pedestrian elevated walkway system
行人道矮墙 pedestrian parapet
土壤学 pedology
以栓钉标明地界;量定地界 peg out the boundary
抛筑毛石;抛石;杂石 pell-mell rubble
惩罚性差饷 penal rating
贯入度试验 penetration test
水闸 penstock
屋顶房间;顶房;天台屋 penthouse
覆盖百分比;覆盖率 percentage site coverage
上层滞水 perched water
上层滞水位 perched water level
冲击钻探 percussion drilling
撞击式预制混凝土桩 percussion precast concrete pile
表演场地 performance area
[PASS] 承建商表现评分制 Performance Assessment Scoring System
履约保证书;履约保函 performance bond
表演场地 performance venue
花棚 pergola
藤架柱;棚架柱;荫棚柱 pergola column
周期荷载 period load
转让期 period of assignment
保养期;保修期;维修责任期 period of defects liability
最终结算及估价期 period of final measurement and valuation