疏松的碎石 loose rock夯压不足的山坡 loosely compacted slope
由承建商承担风险的损失或损害;由承办商承担风险的损失或损害 loss or damage due to contractor‘s risks
由承建商承担风险的损失或损害;由承办商承担风险的损失或损害 loss or damage due to contractor's risks
薄浆流失;薄浆漏出 loss or leakage of grout
地段 lot
地段合并 lot amalgamation
地段界线 lot boundary
地段鉴辨 lot identification
地段鉴辨图 lot identification plan
地图索引图 lot index plan
地段编号 lot number
地段业权人 lot owner
窗叶 louvre blade
百叶窗;气窗 louvre window
低空气进入流量陶碟 low air-entry ceramic disc
廉租屋 low cost housing estate
低密度住宅发展 low density residential development
低息按揭贷款 low interest mortgage loan
低强度混凝土 low strength concrete
低至中等风险 low to moderate risk
低潮 low water
低潮位 low water mark
下段集水区 lower catchment area
地下低层 lower ground floor
低高潮 lower high water
低低潮 lower low water
准许投标最低组别 lowest group permitted to tender
出价最低的投标书;最低价投标 lowest tender
低地乡郊地区 lowland rural area
低地 low-lying land
层数较少大厦 low-rise building
暖符 luen fu
吕容试验 Lugeon test
[lm] 流明〔光通量单位〕 lumen
亮度 luminance level
剥落样本 lump sample
封填膏 luting paste
勒克斯〔光度单位〕 lux
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