喉辘 hose reel喉辘箱门 hose reel door
消防喉喷嘴箱 hose reel nozzle box
宿舍单位 hostel accommodation
院舍式长者住屋 hostel-type housing for senior citizens
热轧钢筋及钢线 hot rolled bar and steel wire
热轧钢筋条 hot rolled steel bar
时租停车场 hourly car park
屋宇权益 house entitlement
屋宇地段;屋地 house lot
屋地业权人 house lot owner
门牌;楼宇门牌号数 house number
屋地 house site
房屋单位 house unit
家庭;住户 household
住户开支 household expenditure
住户开支统计调查 household expenditure survey
住户开支 household expenses
家庭组织 household formation
困难户 household in hardship
家庭总入息 household income
家庭组织模式;住户组织模式 household pattern
住户意向调查 household preference survey
家居垃圾 household refuse
家庭人数;住户人数;家庭组别 household size
家庭组别分布模式 household size distribution pattern
家庭组别模式 household size pattern
《房委会双月刊》 Housing Authority Bi-monthly
房委会款项支付项目 Housing Authority funded item
《房委会空气调节及通风系统承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Contractors
《房屋委员会承建商名册》 Housing Authority List of Building Contractors
《房委会电业承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Electrical Contractors
《房委会消防装置及水泵承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Fire Services and Water Pump Contractors
《房委会升降机及自动梯承办商名册》 Housing Authority List of Lift and Escalator Contractors
《房委会每月统计资料》 Housing Authority Monthly Digest of Statistics
《房委会每季统计报告》 Housing Authority Quarterly Statistic Report
房屋委员会常务小组委员会 Housing Authority‘s Standing Committee
房屋委员会常务小组委员会 Housing Authority's Standing Committee
房屋福利;房屋资助 housing benefit
公屋大厦 housing block
[Government Secretariat] 房屋局〔政府总部〕 Housing Bureau
房屋建设工程基金 Housing Capital Work Fund