放水龙头 draw-off tap浚挖海 dredging of seabed
疏浚工程;挖泥工程 dredging works
喷淋器 drencher
水帘 drencher curtain
喷淋头 drencher head
水帘系统 drencher system
细琢石块 dressed block
爆钻法 drill and blast method
钻孔 drill hole
钻杆 drill rod
钻孔;钻取;钻探 drilling
钻孔机;钻机 drilling machine
滴水槽;滴水线 drip
沉管灌注桩 driven cast-in-place pile
打入桩;入土桩 driven pile
入土隧道 driven tunnel
试桩工程 driving analysis test on piles
驾驶室 driving cab
桩帽 driving cap
横杆吊闸 drop gate
下斜路缘 dropped kerb
干建造法 dry construction
干消防喉 dry fire main
旱厕 dry pail latrine
干粉灭火筒 dry powder fire extinguisher
消防干上水喉 dry riser
干筛 dry sieving
预制墙板;预制墙 dry wall
干墙间隔 dry wall partition
干湿喉管 dry/wet pipeline
干燥机;干燥剂 dryer
晾晒处 drying area
晾晒地 drying ground
晒衣架;晾衣架 drying rack
干水收缩;干收缩 drying shrinkage
联动拉手;联动窗扣 dual lock
双温恒温器 dual temperature thermostat
双比例尺法 dual-scale system
延性铁;韧性铁;球墨铸铁 ductile iron
延性铁管;球墨铸铁管 ductile iron pipe
水泥衬里延性铁管;水泥衬里球墨铸铁管 ductile iron pipe with cement lining
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