建筑工程标准;建设标准 construction standard建筑车辆 construction vehicle
建造工程 construction works
顾问合约 consultancy agreement
顾问工程师 consultant engineer
顾问工程管理 consultant management
《顾问管理系统手册》 Consultant Management System Manual
《〈市区重建局条例草案〉谘询文件》 Consultation Paper on the Urban Renewal Authority Bill
用户电箱;总配电箱 consumer unit
货柜式构筑物;货柜式搭建物 container-structure
防护外罩 containment envelope
受污染的疏浚物料 contaminated dredged material
受污染土地 contaminated ground
受污染泥 contaminated mud
污泥卸置坑 contaminated mud pit
污染监测系统 contamination monitoring system
连续护栏 continuous barrier
连续梁 continuous beam
直通有盖高架行人道系统 continuous covered elevated walkway system
直通有盖行人道 continuous covered walkway
连续基脚;条形基础 continuous footing
连续荷载 continuous load
[safety measure in construction site] 连续的防护行走通道〔建筑地盘安全措施〕 continuous protected walkway
等高线;地势;地形 contour
等高距 contour interval
等高线 contour line
依地势建筑的小径 contour walk
承包标书 contract bill
合约图纸;合约图则 contract drawing
核准承造住户装修工程合约 contract for tenants' works
核准承造住户装修工程合约 contract for tenants‘ works
租赁合约 contract of tenancy
收缩裂缝 contraction crack
收缩裂纹 contraction fissure
收缩缝;收缩接缝 contraction joint
承建商;承办商;承包商 contractor
承建商机密检讨委员会 Contractor Confidential Review Committee
承建商年奖 Contractor of the Year Award
承建商屋棚 contractor shed
承建商工地 contractor yard
承建商享有停工的权利 contractor‘s entitlement to suspension of work
承建商的设备 contractor‘s equipment