混凝土工艺;混凝土科技 concrete technology混凝土测试 concrete test
混凝土振捣器 concrete vibrator
混凝土墙 concrete wall
以混凝土筑砌衬层 concrete-lined
浇灌混凝土;浇筑混凝土 concreting
危楼;受封闭楼宇 condemned building
冷凝管 condensation pipe
[CARE Programme] 状况评估修葺与检查计划〔周全保养计划〕 Condition, Appraisal, Repair and Examination Programme
有条件租约 conditional tenancy
有条件用途;特许用途 conditional use
换地条件;换地规约 conditions of exchange
增批土地条件 conditions of extension
批地条件;批地规约 conditions of grant
批租条件 conditions of lease
契约续期条件;续批条款 conditions of lease extension
售楼条件;卖地条件 conditions of sale
[Home Ownership Scheme] 买卖楼宇条件章程〔居者有其屋计划〕 Conditions of Sale and Purchase
卖地条件;卖地章程;卖地规约 conditions of sale of Government land
投标条件;招标章程 conditions of tender
装修条款 conditions on decoration
家居装修条款 conditions on home decoration
多层大厦单位 condominium
圆锥触探试验;静力触探试验 cone penetration test
[Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme] 大厦的组合排列〔整体重建计划〕 configuration of blocks
被封含水层 confined aquifer
搬移限于范围内 confined relocation
密闭空间;密闭场地 confined space
局限应力 confining stress
[purchase of flats] 认购楼宇确定书 Confirmation of Instructions
砾岩 conglomerate
接驳排水渠及污水渠条款 connecting drains and sewers clause
接驳喉管 connection pipe
接驳器;连接器 connector
开光典礼 consecration ceremony
施工同意书;“工纸” Consent on Commencement of Building Works
双方同意的法庭命令 consent order
转让同意书 consent to assign
租赁同意书 consent to lease
售卖同意书 consent to sell
[landslide] [formerly known as risk Consequence Classification System
失稳后果;破坏后果;崩塌后果 consequence of failure