印花税署署长 Collector of Stamp Revenue集水井 collector well
套爪;筒夹 collet
崩积土层 colluvial deposit
崩积土 colluvial soil
崩积物;崩积土 colluvium
柱廊 colonnade
色系谘询小组 Colour Advisory Panel
颜色代号;色码 colour code
色系顾问 colour consultant
色彩分明的带状图案 colour contrast banding
颜色水泥 coloured cement
骨灰库;骨灰龛 columbarium
柱比法 column analogy
柱托 column bracket
柱帽 column cap
柱帽 column capital
柱基脚 column footing
柱架 column frame
柱帽;柱头 column head
柱桩;端承桩 column pile
柱带 column strip
柱状节理 columnar joint
组合恒载 combined dead load
联合基脚 combined footing
租住公屋/居屋综合发展计划 combined rental/HOS development
租住公屋/居屋综合屋 combined rental/HOS estate
超级市场兼湿货街市 combined supermarket/wet market
合并单位 combined unit
提出申请比率 come-forward rate
施工日期;动工日期 commencement date
租赁开始生效;租约开始生效 commencement of tenancy
合约工程展开 commencement of the contract
商业及非住宅租务资料系统 Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System
《商业及非住宅租务资料系统使用手册》 Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System User Manual
商业建筑物;商业楼宇;商业大厦 commercial building
商业中心;商场 commercial centre
商场设计指南 commercial centre design guide
回环商场 commercial circuit
商场 commercial complex
商业娱乐大厦 commercial entertainment building
商业用爆炸品 commercial explosive